Brothers of the Sacred Heart – United States Province
- Category:
- Industry: Religious
- Website:
- Location: 4600 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans, LA 70122, USA
- Debug: Array ( [location] => Array ( [address] => 4600 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans, LA 70122, USA [lat] => 30.0052469 [lng] => -90.0601837 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => ChIJnTsMhcOoIIYRtd3sQ92XaLs [name] => 4600 Elysian Fields Ave [street_number] => 4600 [street_name] => Elysian Fields Avenue [street_name_short] => Elysian Fields Ave [city] => New Orleans [state] => Louisiana [state_short] => LA [post_code] => 70122 [country] => United States [country_short] => US ) [website] => [category] => [industry] => 42 )