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Why Cameras Alone Aren’t Enough: The Reality of Effective Risk Management


“We’re not worried about that space because we have a camera there.” 


Cameras are a valuable risk management tool when used effectively, but a camera on its own should never substitute for supervision. While cameras can deter offenses like theft, property damage, or trespassing, we unfortunately know that abuse can happen in recorded spaces – we’ve seen it. Law enforcement, internal, and insurance investigations teach us that for opportunistic offenders, a camera is not enough.

Plus, consider red flags and warning signs that you want your staff to report related to grooming or inappropriate behavior, many of which are verbal interactions.  A camera may be helpful for reviewing an interaction after the fact, but not in the moment to interrupt behavior.

So why invest in cameras?  

  1. Investigations. When an incident or allegation occurs, recorded video can provide information to confirm, corroborate, or correct reporting from witnesses and involved parties. By knowing what really happened, your organization is now more powerfully equipped to resolve the gaps that lead to an incident – or to defend yourselves in the case of a false or misleading report.  
  2. Performance Management & Quality Assurance.  Use periodic camera review to monitor your programs, spaces, and staff. Think of your recordings like a coach might watch game tape. This is a great way to celebrate wins collectively and to correct concerns privately. Watch a video together at your next staff meeting to say “See how this looks? We should do it this way every time. This was excellent work.” For items that need correction, watch video back together in a 1:1 employee check-in to discuss opportunities for improvement.  
  3. Deterrence – just maybe not for abuse-related offenses. A long-term study conducted by researchers from Cambridge University, Northeastern University, and City University of New York found that cameras can be a deterrent for property-related crimes like theft and burglary. The same study found that cameras had no significant deterrent effect for violent crimes.  

Cameras are a valuable resource when used proactively, but according to industry experts, only approximately 1% of all surveillance video is watched live. If the camera isn’t being monitored closely, in real time, by someone who knows what to look for, then the camera serves as a useful tool in your safety toolbox but cannot replace staff supervision.