The facts surrounding sexual abuse.
Our methods and recommendations are based on more than 30 years of experience of preventing sexual abuse and making organizations safer. As a leader in sexual abuse risk management, our experts have vast insights and findings on the subject. Here are just a few.
- Key trends and changes since 2022: How carriers’ approaches to SML coverage have shifted over the past two years.
- Underwriting and risk trends: The evolving strategies insurers use to assess and limit risk exposure.
- Best practices for loss prevention: How carriers are encouraging insured organizations to implement stronger abuse prevention measures.
Ensuring the safety of those in your care starts before they enter your premises or register for your services. How you evaluate and choose those who will have access to your consumers significantly affects your organization’s success and poses potential risks and liabilities.
Thorough and consistent screening and selection procedures are essential to safeguarding the individuals you serve. Employing safety-oriented hiring practices can further shield your organization in the event of any accusations or incidents of harm.
In cases involving Sexual Abuse or Misconduct:
- Healthcare and K-12 organizations experience the highest rate of Negligent Hiring claims.
- Average payouts are highest for Negligent Hiring claims in Healthcare (over $100M) and Higher Education (over $35M).
Nearly 10% of all sexual abuse and misconduct cases in Healthcare (including residential nursing care) allege Negligent Hiring as a cause of action.
Negligent Hiring is claimed in 65% of adult-to-youth cases, 23% of adult-to-adult cases, and 4% of youth-to-youth cases.
Sexual abuse, regardless of the victim’s age, can inflict deep emotional and physical scars. It’s imperative for organizations to grasp the nuances between the sexual abuse of children and that of adults to prevent and manage such incidents under their jurisdiction proactively.
This white paper aims to shed light on these distinctions, dispel common myths surrounding the vulnerability of adults to sexual abuse, and explain critical terms related to inappropriate adult interactions.
In this paper, you will learn:
- Challenges and patterns of adult sexual abuse in different industries
- Strategies for preventing, addressing, and responding to incidents or allegations
- One organization’s strategies to mitigate the risk of adult-to-adult abuse;
- And more.
Praesidium Report
Our 2024 Praesidium Report serves as a valuable resource for individuals, organizations, and communities seeking to make a difference. Through extensive research and collaboration with leading experts, our team has compiled a comprehensive report that sheds light on the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in preventing sexual abuse.
This year’s report includes:
- Insights from Praesidium’s analysis of sexual abuse losses
- Up-to-date research and expertise on managing the risks of youth problematic sexual behavior
- An understanding of the risks and prevalence of adult-to-adult abuse within organizations
- Current and ongoing staffing challenges that organizations are facing
- Emerging abuse prevention trends for non-traditional youth-serving industries
- An international spotlight on abuse prevention efforts and successes in Australia and Latin America
Safe Screening:
Common Myths in
Background Checks
Adopting a solid screening process is the first line of defense in creating a safe environment and is the minimum expectation for any organization that serves vulnerable populations. A thorough, consistent screening process may discourage would-be offenders from targeting an organization. Failure to uncover a known offender can endanger those in your care and permanently damage your reputation, financial stability, and trust within the community.
Download our white paper today to learn more about 9 common misconceptions in background checks and how your organization can overcome them.
Praesidium Report
It is crucial to remain informed about the ever-evolving landscape of sexual abuse prevention. Our 2023 Praesidium Report serves as a valuable resource for individuals, organizations, and communities seeking to make a difference. Through extensive research and collaboration with leading experts, our team has compiled a comprehensive report that sheds light on the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in preventing sexual abuse.
Insurance Carrier Benchmarking:
Sexual Abuse and Molestation Liability
The surge of sexual abuse litigation driven by rising standards and the widespread repeal of states’ statutes of limitations continues to affect the insurance market and how carriers provide coverage. As a result, insurance carriers have begun to employ different strategies to provide coverage commonly referred to as Sexual Abuse and Molestation Liability Insurance (SML).
In this white paper, we cover:
- The Carriers’ Underwriting Expectations
- Market Trend Projections
- Loss Control Methods Offered to Insureds
Praesidium Report
The national landscape of abuse prevention efforts is rapidly evolving, and diverse contributions across this landscape are collectively strengthening how we protect individuals from abuse. The Praesidium Report is one-of-a-kind in this field, and this year’s edition includes more applicable information than ever. Inside, we share our most valuable research findings from both recent and decades-long studies and reviews. You’ll get the most complete overview of the sexual abuse prevention landscape available today.
Providing a Compassionate Response to Sexual Abuse
The research is clear; providing a compassionate response after an incident of abuse facilitates the healing process for survivors and helps preserve the trust that organizations have spent decades earning. This whitepaper will teach you the proven methods to providing a compassionate and survivor-centered response. And it starts with an apology.
By Ashley Anderson, MSW, and Candace D. Collins, JD
Praesidium Report
For three decades, Praesidium has reviewed and consulted on thousands of cases of sexual abuse across all industries serving vulnerable populations. Those organizations include K-12 schools and higher education institutions, youth-serving organizations, churches and religious institutions, social service organizations, and many more.
Praesidium’s mission is to “help you protect those in your care from abuse and to help preserve trust in your organization.” For the past few years, we’ve analyzed our findings and identified trends. Using these trends, we offer some direct tips on what organizations can do within each section of the Praesidium Report. We hope you find this report valuable and we encourage you to share it with your colleagues via the share buttons on this page.
Six Lessons Learned in Managing the Risk of Minors on Campus
From the 2019 URMIA Journal
By Candace Collins, JD – Dr. Richard Dangel – Aaron Lundberg, MSW
Preventing and Addressing Child Sexual Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations
This Desk Guide provides senior leaders of national, regional, and local YSOs with new guidance and actionable options for preventing and addressing CSA.
This guidance is based on the principle that is well established with many, perhaps most, YSOs — specifically that YSOs, regardless of their specific missions, are accountable for two fundamental goals: (1) to keep children safe and (2) to place children on a path to a successful and satisfying life, with better outcomes for education, employment, mental health, physical health, and social formation.