Background Checks
The First Line of Defense
What you don’t know about your employees or volunteers can hurt your clients and your organization. Let us help you keep sexual offenders out with background checks that go deeper to reveal more.
We search more than 415 million public records from national and international sources and can advise you on which checks to run based on state-specific regulations and where your applicant has lived. Once the check comes back, what’s next? Do you know how to respond to red flags on the report? What if the applicant disputes the results? Can you legally disqualify an applicant based on a minor offense? We can help you decide — consultation is included with every background check order.
Background checks are just one of our proven services to prevent sexual abuse. Find out more about our prevention tools.
Training is key to abuse prevention. Let’s talk.
Call 800-743-6354 or fill out and submit the contact form.